Sunday, March 25, 2012

Gorgeous Inspiration #2 : Don't Judge

Hey Beauties!
Don't Judge.
Just don't.
Check out the clip then read on.
Yes, I use humor to get ideas across.
But I'm serious.
You look like a fool when you judge others.
Yep, if you read that last sentence and got judge.
It's okay though.
Or is it?
Sometimes people just like to hear "Its okay".
Guess what.
It's not always okay.
"Treat others the way you want to be treated!"
One of those classic quotes that are SO ANNOYING!
Until someone does something to you.
Personal Attacks.
Hurting your feelings.
Then you think, its true.
Wait, don't get me wrong.
Many times the innocent are the ones getting judged.
But that quote doesn;t apply to the innocent.
It applies to the rude people in the world.
The ones that constantly judge.
It's Okay though.
We all judge right?
We all bully.
Its Life!!
As a human you shouldn't feel the need to put others down.
But we do.
Its okay.

Remember,  Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder.

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